7 Simple Ways to Curb Overeating


When you think about losing weight, what do you think to do first? Is it eating less or fewer carbs or exercising more? Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realise that there's more to weight loss than you may have first thought and that you may have been overlooking the obvious all this time – the reasons why we overeat in the first place. 

Eating probably comes to you as naturally as breathing in and out.  However, you may never have been taught to eat well.  This is critically important because, unless you learn to eat well, you may never master the art of sustainable weight loss or maintenance.  In today’s society, certain inappropriate eating habits have become routine.  By addressing these habits (and looking at what you’re eating of course), you can actually lose weight without going on a fad diet, counting carbs or feeling restricted; losing weight by stealth so to speak!  


  1. Slow things down

 To begin with, it is important that you learn to eat more slowly.  At first, this might be quite a challenge.  We have been conditioned to live in a fast food world.  We rush meals in order to have time to catch the bus or train to school or work, or before heading out in the evening.  We think that rushing saves us time - but such a routine can easily backfire.  Studies have shown that 10-20 minutes is required before the brain receives the message that the stomach is full.  Your meals - whether it’s in the morning, at lunch time, or evening - should last at least ten minutes. 
Train yourself to lengthen your meal by engaging in conversation, resting your fork every so often and importantly chewing each mouthful slowly and meticulously. Savour rather than a quick chew and then swallow. It is also advisable to wait at least ten minutes after your main meal before deciding if you need dessert. Within that time, you may discover that you aren’t still hungry after all.


2. Don’t eat when stressed

In a similar vein to the above, sitting down to eat your meal after rushing around like a mad person means you’re still essentially in “fight and flight” mode and not in its opposite “rest and digest” mode. Take a few moments to breathe slowly in and out before picking up your knife and fork. Saying grace has a similar effect of slowing down your nervous system and preparing for digestion. Once in “rest and digest’, you are also in a better position to spot when you’re getting full and stop accordingly.


3. Reduce the temptation to eat seconds

Another trick is to place serving dishes on the counter and leave them there.  As a result, you’ll actually have to get up out of your chair in order to get more food so you may decide that it’s not worth the bother or that it’s no longer necessary.  Also avoid eating directly from an ice cream carton, crisp bag or sharing bag of sweets. Divvy them out beforehand and leave them back in the cupboard and out of the way.   Otherwise, you could find yourself easily (and mindlessly) overeating.


4. Eat sitting down at the table and avoid distractions

You should always eat at the table away from potential distractions. This prevents you from trying to engage in multitasking, such as watching television or a video on your phone at the same time as eating. At the table, you’re more likely to be able to concentrate on how much food you are putting into your mouth without being distracted from the task at hand.  If you eat in front of the TV, for example, it can be easy to lose track of how much food you’re consuming.


5. Eat till you’re full and no more

Abandon the idea that you must clean your plate.  It is simply not true.  Research has shown that more than half of adults insist on cleaning their plates, even when they are already full.  This means that you are overeating simply out of politeness or habit taught in early childhood by well-meaning parents or care-givers.  Such a habit only serves to add unwanted pounds. 
Instead of cleaning your plate, try eating only that portion of food that makes you feel full.  You’ll be healthier and happier that way. If you’re worried about food waste and the cost of food, you may need to ask yourself if you’re making too much in the first place or giving yourself more than you need on your plate – it may take some time to work out the right portion sizes and some wastage may occur – is it better for some food to end up in the bin or on your hips?


6. Remove food from view

 Do not keep food in plain view during the day.  If the biscuit jar is on display or the sweet bag is left out on the table, you’ll have a tremendous urge to eat, even if you are not hungry.  After a meal, put your food away in the refrigerator, inside your cupboard, or in the freezer.  This way, you’ll actually have to do some work to get at food before you consume it. Some people also find it beneficial to put healthier food in their direct eye-line and hide the not so healthy stuff where you can’t see it when you open the cupboard.


7. Move on after overeating

 If you happen to overeat, don’t spend a great deal of time sulking or feeling bad or guilty.  Accept your mistake and move on.  As human beings, we are emotional creatures and will eat too much especially out of a desire to self comfort or soothe. If you’ve veered off course, take corrective action and then forget about it.  Otherwise, you could find yourself eating out of frustration or shame or going off your healthy eating plan entirely. 

 You may be self-conscious at first as you attempt to change your eating habits.  Realise that your bad habits did not start overnight, so it will take some time to correct them.  While it may seem an arduous task initially, it is well worth the effort.  You’ll find that your new eating habits have helped you stop gaining weight or to lose unwanted weight without even trying.  Granted, such techniques as hiding your food and eating more slowly will not in themselves cause you to lose weight in and by themselves but they should help you to curb your overeating over the long run.

Take time to consider the points presented above. Which one or ones are most pertinent to you? What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. If you feel you would benefit from some further assistance to address your weight and health concerns, you can check out my nutrition+ coaching services here and book a free mini coaching call with me at your own convenience here.


Hannah Wyborn

Weight Loss Coach
Naturopathic Wellness Practitioner